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Thursday, August 10, 2006


So I just heard from the financial aid office. I am not eligible for anything. Nada, nil, nin. No grants, not even a freaking Stafford loan. So now I only have one more option: take another part-time job. So I'll have a full course-load and two jobs. Thanks. I needed this.

Why am I not eligible? Because the government finds it suspect that I already have a bachelor's degree and now I'm going back to community college. Because the concept of trying to cheaply obtain pre-requisite credit for your graduate degree is just absurd. Who the hell do I think I am? Next thing you know, I'll be asking for reasonably priced health insurance. Oh, the audacity.

They also think that I make too much money. Well FAFSA, you made me fill in all my information for 2005 when I WASN'T married. Single. income.
Oh ho ho, but then, THEN when I came to the part where I had to provide my finances, you told me I had to include my husband's salary. Even though we got married after I filed taxes in 2005. And I just got married three months ago. After the wedding, we weren't handed one of those giant dollar sign bags that contained our combined income for the entire year. We actually were handed the catering bill. And cocktail weiners are more expensive than you think.

Oh hey PLUS, I live in SAN DIEGO. The city that's so expensive people get locality bonuses just to work here. I have a car that requires gasoline. I occasionally need my teeth cleaned. I am not rolling in the dough, despite my new shiny increased household income.

And to top it off, they even possibly think that my measly, previous single-person income was too much to qualify for any aid. Guess what. I quit my full-time job in March, before I was married, before I enrolled in school. I started temping for 12 bucks an hour. Sadly, I did not hoard all 54,000 dollars I made in 2005 in a pile under my matress. I don't have money. You suck, Uncle Sam.

No child left behind, my broke ass!!!

What a coincidence! I just heard back from our financial aid office earlier today that a form I've faxed to them three times already still isn't showing up in my records. I think I'm already past the double-secret deadline, too.

I asked if they would like me to just bring a copy of it to their office (since it's like ten minutes away), but they apparently prefer the fax. Naturally.
Yay, I get to deal with all that stuff in a few weeks. Yippee me.

Schools and the government suck. I feel your pain.
Big Daddy, what are you going to school for? I hope you get some money. Somebody has to stick it to the man. And I'm still trying to find some time to read you blog. I'm intimidated by the number of posts and videos and pictures. I might have a seizure :)
I am going back for Interior Design.

I want to be an artist, but I like the concept of eating.

Seizures. That's funny. My blog is the fruition of my A.D.D.
I blame Bush. For everything, but especially this.
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