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Tuesday, April 24, 2007

this ish is bananas

I am quite the civic hero today. I helped an old lady locate her car. (No small task considering she said, "Silver" when I asked her what kind of car she had.) I signed a petition to shorten term-lengths of politicians. Or possibly lengthen them. I was too busy trying to remember if I voted last election. (I did. Go Nader!) I bought a CD from two guys that were wandering around campus asking people if they liked hip-hop. I actually only listened to about 20 seconds of it, but I liked what I heard, plus the guys produced the album themselves. And I love me some independantly recorded music. So I am karmically in the black today.

Wait. I stole a bunch of Equal packets from Starbucks. Like...a bunch. As in, way too many for me to even conceivably use in one cup of coffee. (Well, unless I wanted to spontaneously generate a throbbing tumor). I guess I'm just breaking even...

In case you are interested the CD I bought was from Kalifornia Bears. www.myspace.com/buckweed1111

Don't go yelling at me if you don't like it, but give new music a chance :)

Equal gives me an instant migraine. Maybe it does you too?
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